Public Information Requests

Most records filed in current and past cases at the Commission are available to the public in REDDI. For more information on searching for public records, please see our REDDI Help page.

To request records that are not currently available in REDDI or on the Commission's website, please email or call 1-800-646-6150. To ensure the Commission is able to provide a timely response to your request, please include the following information:

  1. Your name;
  2. Your phone number;
  3. Your mailing address;
  4. Your email address; and
  5. A description of the records you are requesting.

The Commission's compliance assistance team is its designated contact for public information requests. Commission staff will acknowledge receipt of your request within 5 business days. Except for confidential, privileged, or otherwise protected information that is not subject to public disclosure, Commission staff will respond as follows:

  1. If the request is for a single, specific, clearly identifiable, and readily available public record, Commission staff will provide the specified public record within 5 working days of the acknowledgment of your request.
  2. If a request seeks public information that cannot be readily identified and gathered, Commission staff will provide an estimate of the time it will take to fulfill the request and the fee for producing records. More information about fees for production is available below. The Commission will not provide records in response to your request until any fee or estimated fee has been paid. If the fee for production has been paid, Commission staff will produce the requested records within 90 days of the acknowledgment of your request, or provide written notice explaining why the Commission is unable to provide a response within 90 days.
  3. If additional information or clarification would aid in expediting the Commission's response to your request, Commission staff may contact you regarding your request. The deadlines described above will be suspended until we receive your response. You may respond by either providing or denying the requested information or clarification. If you fail to respond within 30 days to a request for additional information or clarification, Commission staff will close your request after notifying you.

Fees for Production: Any fee charged by the Commission will reflect the actual costs directly incident to fulfilling the request in the most cost-efficient and timely manner possible. The fee will be documented in an invoice. The fee may include the time required to gather public information. The Commission may require you to pay an estimated fee prior to identifying and gathering the requested public information.

Beginning November 1, 2024, the Commission will maintain statistics about the requests it has received and the time it has taken to respond to requests. Additionally, fulfilled requests for public information will be available on this page, unless: (1) the request was not submitted according to the process described above; (2) the request pertains only to a specific person or property, including requests for applications, vital records, licenses, permits, registrations, and related supporting documents; or (3) the request was for information accessible on a state website or other publication available at the time the request was made.