Water and Sewer Compliance
In Montana, the rates and services of privately-owned water and sewer service providers are regulated by the Montana Public Service Commission. The rates and services of publicly-owned water and sewer service providers (e.g., county, water and sewer district, municipality) or a provider serving itself only (e.g., individual, member-owned cooperative or association serving members only), are not regulated by the Public Service Commission. These privately-owned companies have water and/or sewer tariffs established by the Commission:
If you have questions about whether or not your water and sewer business is regulated by the PSC, please call the PSC at 1-800-646-6150.
The Commission has adopted minimum rate case filing standards for utilities, including private water utilities. See Montana Administrative Rule 38.5.101, et seq. However, two simplified regulatory treatment options, the standard rate tariff or operating ratio method, are available to a small water or sewer utility to establish or change its rates by a method other than a minimum rate case application. See Montana Administrative Rule 38.5.2527.